During May we will be focusing on voter registration in our district. We have a primary on June 26th where we will not only be voting for the Republican presidential nominee, the U.S. Senate, Attorney General and State Auditor nominees, we will be choosing between Brad Daw and Dana Layton to represent Legislative District 60. It's going to be a critical primary and we're hoping for record turnouts at the polls.
Our precinct chairs have voter registration forms and absentee voter applications and will be canvassing their precincts with their block captains to get every Republican registered and ready to vote on June 26th. If you would like to help your precinct chair, please contact them and become part of the process that makes this the greatest nation on earth. And we're lucky enough to live in the greatest state on top of it!
If you haven't registered to vote in the Republican Party's closed primary in Leg 60, you may do so online or fill out the registration form that will be delivered to your door.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to post them in the comments section and we'll get them answered. See you around the neighborhood!